Monday, May 21, 2007


  1. Speeds up your decision making – provides an extremely fast assessment process that delivers absolute certainty that you are adjusting each client exactly where they need to be adjusted on each and every visit.
  2. Is so much easier on their own bodies – are you paying a personal physical and emotional price for the healing that you provide to others? Why not upgrade to a new-generation technique that is easy on your body and mind?
  3. Provides an extremely effective low-force adjusting strategy – If you are like me, you may have steered away from instrument and low-force adjusting because you perceive it to be inferior to manual adjusting. The Integrator actually provides you with specifications that surpass manual adjustment – higher speed, greater specificity, recoil and torque, pre-loading mechanism to make every adjustment reproducible and consistent, exact correctional vectors, true adjustment for force, can deliver adjustments with spine in neutral posture to reduce iatrogenic risks.
  4. Helps make the quantum shift to a neurologically-based system – You may think in your own mind, that when you produce a cavitation in your practice members’ subluxated spine, that you are releasing the flow of the mental impulse: But in most of your patient’s minds, they think you are cracking their back to stretch their stiff and sore bones… This is a sad but true fact about public perception. But, the good news is that when you shift to an assessment process which utilises neurological indicators, and adjust with an instrument that has been designed to initiate neurological change; it becomes so much easier to shift your practice members’ understanding to the fact that you are a nerve doctor, and not a back doctor.
  5. Allows them to see more clients in less time – Speed up your assessment and clinical decision making, reduce the number of adjustments you perform on each visit, cut back on the extra stuff that you do out of habit as opposed to clinical necessity – All this translates to increased productivity and profitability, and decreased time wastage and brain drain.
  6. Opens up your practice world to the emotional component of Subluxation – You don’t have to become a counsellor, but when more of your clients experience emotional, mental and even spiritual change following their adjustments, they’ll want to tell you about it. They’ll also want to tell their friends, family and colleagues about it; and usually what happens in a TRT practice is you become inundated with folks desiring and experiencing the same changes.
  7. It fits snugly into a wellness paradigm - Chiropractic has succeeded in positioning its identity in the community: The average person on the street, the local GP, other health care professionals, and your local media all think you treat sore backs reasonably effectively, and then try to keep them coming back for no particular reason. If you want to reposition yourself as a “wellness” provider then you are going to have to appear very different; and your “product” or “unique selling proposition” needs to appear cutting-edge, exciting and modern. TRT fulfils all of these criteria – you’ll actually find your practice members asking “I know this is really great for my total health and energy, and I don’t seem to get sick very often anymore, but if I develop a sore back should I still come and see you, or should I go to one of those old-style chiros?”
  8. It’s actually becomes easy to write a case study – Because the protocols of TRT analysis are well documented and consistent, because you learn neurological indicators that can be documented and even quantified, and because you seem to attract more diverse clinical presentations, most DCs find themselves having a steady stream of cases that can easily be written up and published.


Dr. Tom said...

Hi Doc:

I have been an Activator Methods practitioner for 12 years. I recently took a TRT seminar and was impressed with the techiques ability to reduce the subluxation. However, I have yet to have a new patient walk into my office and asked to have their spines checked for subluxations. The become chiropractic patients because of some musculoskeletal complaint. Activator Methods can completely address and joint problem in the body very effectively. I totally understand the devistating effects of subluxations, but I also understand the mentality of the average chiropractic patient. I guess I would like to know whether you adjust extra spinal problems as a TRT practitioner or do you only address spinal subluxations. And does TRT have methods of correcting extra spinal problems.

I am trying to decide whether to take the advanced class or not. What will we learn in the advanced TRT class?

Dr. Tom

Nick Hodgson said...

You could be right about the entry reasons of many Chiropractic patients. But here's the question - what makes patients stay for "maintenance" or even "wellness" care and what moves patients beyond symptomatic relief and into state of wellbeing? Answer: Dramatic improvements in their presenting complaint and/or unexpected improvements in other health issues (from internal disorders to general quality of life and wellbeing issues) AND positive health changes that CONTINUE to be experienced: That is they don't plateau. This is one of the most commonly noted advantages of the TRT system whereby it is technically responsive and adaptive to where each patient's system is at right now - so they continue to get great changes.
The TRT checking protocols can also be adapted for a number of other investigative reasons such as extremity adjusting as you ask, and we teach this at the Australian Advanced workshop. The other real advantage of attending the advanced workshop is the quantum leap in both testing and adjusting proficiency.

Wayne Gard said...

Hi Nick,

I enjoyed your Prove It letter….. and agree with what you say….. you listed 2 reasons why many chiros don’t use technology – there is also a 3rd – they don’t believe in the Validity of these tools…. They think that they are gimmicks, or that they don’t measure meaningful physiology….this needs to be addressed in order to increase their usage .

My thoughts


Wayne gard

healing hands chiropractic st paul said...

Really appreciable blog. Your blog is very much impressive. I am surely following ur blog.

Lancelot said...

I have been going to chirpractors since I was 6 years old, I am now 44. so you could say I am a seasoned chiropractics patients that knows the difference between a good practioner and a ambulance chaser. I was introduced to the Torque Release Techinique by Dr. Paz of Cooper city. and have had amazing results. since seeing her I have seen other chiropractors that use some of the traditional techniques but I actually get quicker relief, and longer lasting targeted results with the Torque Release Technique. I am now in Tampa and have not been able to find a chiropractor that uses the technique and it is pretty frustrating. What I would tell any practioner is to use it consistently and make sure your good. your patient will feel the results.

Anonymous said...


Can anyone tell me if Torque Release Technique can be used to heal a disc bulge ? I have a disc bulge in my lower back and have tried spinal decompression. That has helped a lot but there is a long way from my original back condition.

Nick Hodgson said...

Dear Anonymous, truth is nothing can heal a disc bulge except for your own body. A better question is what are the best steps to maximise your body's chance of healing a disc bulge. TRT is a tonal chiropractic technique that aims to remove the tension in your spinal column and especially your spinal cord. In the case of a disc bulge this helps to remove the compressive forces within the disc increasing the chances of natural resorption and repair...