Thursday, October 18, 2007


The Million Dollar Question

Many of us now call ourselves "Wellness DCs" or "Healthy Lifestyle Doctors" or some other impressive sounding title - I guess we are trying to differentiate our services from the other "garden variety" DCs? But these titles often are a reflection of us, and not a true reflection of how our customers really see us, or how they themselves behave. Maybe we exercise regularly, get adjusted every 1-2 weeks, keep a positive outlook, eat organic etc. But then we have 80% of our practice on monthly schedules, and have no discernable influence on their other healthy habits?

I suffered a daunting revelation when I upgraded my technique and scheduling systems to a more "wellness" driven focus. You see I used to spend ~15 minutes with each client, and they loved my soft-tissue techniques, and often complimented me on my ability to find the sore spots and to provide instantaneous relief from their musculoskeletal aches and pains. Not that there is anything wrong with this - but my mission is to improve the health and wellness of everyone that I can influence - not to be the natural alternative to Nurofen and Panadeine. And when I changed my technique to a neurological model, many left the practice before they could possibly experience the extra health benefits - why? "Because I didn't rub their shoulders"!

So, what do YOUR clients really think of YOU? Here is the million dollar question to ask your practice members that will inform you of the truth...

"If you could come and have an adjustment whenever you wanted to, and it didn't cost you anything, how often would you come?"

1) If the answer is, "Oh I'd come every single week, and sometimes even more": Congratulations - you probably are truly a wellness DC - your clients truly comprehend the global benefits of an adjustment. They probably perceive the reduction in tension and stress, the improved sleep patterns, the maximised immunity, and the increases in energy after each adjustment.

2) "Oh, I'd come every 4-6 weeks": Maybe you should replace the title "Wellness" with "Maintenance" DC. Your clients have probably discovered that if they go longer than 4-6 weeks, that their aches and pains start to increase in severity and regularity. Your periodical adjustments offer them effective and lasting pain relief.

3) "Oh, I'd come a 2-3 times a year": I actually don't quite understand this concept - maybe it's because they get their car serviced twice a year, and go to the dentist twice a year, and floss their teeth twice a year, and make love twice a year? I'm not sure of what possible benefit two adjustments per year could have - maybe I underestimate the power of an adjustment?

4) "Oh, I'd come in whenever I had a problem": Whoops, if you get a lot of this answer, then it is time to change your title to "garden variety DC".

To take this question to the next level: If your practice members answer that they would like to come more often than they actually do - the next question to ask is - "What do we need to do to help you come as often as you would really like to?" - now its time to work out a strategy, schedule, fee, that makes their dream a reality...

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