Saturday, November 10, 2007


Many aspects of chiropractic practice have evolved - there have been so many modern developments from within our profession, and from complementary professions - many of which make daily practice simpler, more efficient, more effective, more objective, and even more profitable... Whether we talk about the computerisation and even automation of our front desks, technological advancements in our investigative tools, online education and marketing tools, new and diverse technique systems, in-house entertainment and educational multimedia, online and electronic banking options, and I could go on...

But at the same time could it be that as we utilise more and more technologies, and become more dependent on machines to make decisions and record memories for us - That our own innate and intuitive recording, analysing and comparative skills may be withering and vanishing?

How seriously and consciously do you control what you are seeing and absorbing in your mind's eye, as you are working on each and every practice member, on each and every visit? This was named INTENT by our pioneers.

While you are leaning over and assessing your patients: Are you thinking about what you are going to have for lunch, reviewing your golf swing, planning your next holiday, worrying about your debts, or even rewinding the last patient who was complaining that you hadn't fixed them yet?

Make a commitment to include the following steps as you examine and treat each person...

1) Become One: When you enter into someone's field of intelligence (their personal space), you are being allowed into a very privileged place - AND you also enter into a dimension where you can gather enormous perceptions about the state of mind and body of that person - IF you are willing to perceive and observe them! The way to take this to its full potential is to comprehend that when you enter into this "zone" you and your patient become one. Have you ever started to feel angry, sad, frustrated, or agitated while adjusting someone - guess what - it might not be you feeling it - it may be them. See if you can develop this skill of knowing more about your clients than they know about themselves...

2) Visualise: As a Chiropractor, you are extremely blessed, because you have done some of the most comprehensive anatomical, physiological, biomechanical, neurological and even pathological studies possible. As you examine and adjust each person, develop "XRay Vision": Visualise the structures and functions that you are examining and adjusting as you perform each procedure. Makes the job much more interesting and fascinating. Your diagnostic and technical skills will improve in a quantum leap if you integrate this one skill...

3) See Whole: This transports your visualisation skills to the next dimension: Making the jump from observation, to influence! See the fixated joints start to move again; visualise a person's alignment being restored; feel the surge of nerve flow and energy transmission; envision cells, tissues, organs and beings becoming whole and vital once again...

When we teach Torque Release Technique we equip you with a comprehensive range of indicators which you use in your ongoing evaluations of your patients' state of wellbeing, and degree and location of Subluxation. These build and strengthen your intuitive and innate abilities to perceive and differentiate what condition someone is in, AND where and how they need to be adjusted.

When you put this all together you achieve what is probably best described as TOTAL CERTAINTY.

Click Here To Find Out More About TRT Training...

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