Sunday, October 7, 2007

Are You Relieving Your Patients' Emotional Pains And Strains?

Are You Relieving Your Patients' Emotional Pains And Strains?

Whether or not we all agree on the theory that Subluxation is the cause of ALL illness - most DCs agree that there are three primary causes of Subluxation - Physical, Chemical and Mental.

At our TRT programs I ask the participants to rank these factors, and we always get 100% agreement - Emotional factors are by far the most common cause of Subluxation. So how does this revelation impact your every day clinical conversation and your adjusting procedures? Let me put this another way - what system/s do you have in place in your practice to identify and correct the emotional component which is causing most of your practice members, the majority of their problems?

What happens in your practice when someone is responding slower than you would expect, they keep exacerbating their condition, or you keep identifying the same recurring subluxations?
Here's what it sounds like in most chiropractic offices: "Well Fred, what did you do on the weekend - did you do any gardening or lifting? Tell me about your office chair at work. How many hours do you spend in front of the computer? Are you doing some exercises? What position do you sleep in? Tell me more about that car accident you had 55 years ago."

Notice something missing? Where were the questions to identify the emotional cause, let alone the second most common cause of subluxation - chemical? Physical, physical, physical...

Do you want to be a wellness chiropractor and not a back doctor? Then you need to connect with your practice members on an emotional level. This has got nothing to do with counseling or psychology, and it's definitely not about finding new referrals for the Beyond Blue program. But it is about providing your customers with a more holistic service...
Next time you find yourself in the above scenario, stop yourself before you blow the opportunity for a learning moment, and try this instead...

"So Fred, why do you think that your body is having trouble getting better as fast as YOU would like?" Fred's usual answer will be "well I d'know, your the doctor?"

"Have I told you that there are actually three causes of subluxation? There's the obvious one, the physical stuff that happens to you and that you do to yourself. Then there's chemical stuff; you know, all the toxic stuff that we eat and drink, and all the poisons that exist around us in our homes and in the environment, like allergies. Then the one you might not have thought of before, is the mind - this is actually the most common and the most severe cause of subluxation. Fred, can you think of any mental or emotional stuff in your life that might be creating stress inside your body?" Now don't drop the ball, stay silent until Fred comes up with some ideas... Then adjust him as per usual.

Like I said, this doesn't have to lead to a psychotherapy or hypnotherapy program; just the therapeutic power of the identification and connection of HIS emotional stuff with his subluxation will astound you....

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